Fee Policy

Refundable security deposit

Refundable security deposit of upto Rs 5000 will be charged. During limited-period offers, this amount might be lower. It will be refunded within 10 days of booking's end time.Please select "Refund to Bank Account" or "Refund to Wallet" options while making payment, for fast refunds within 4 days of booking's end time.

Pricing plans and extra Kms charges

We offer multiple pricing plans to fit your requirements. Each pricing plan differs in terms of "Kilometres limit". The total kilometres limit for your booking is determined by multiplying the duration of your booking with the hourly "Kilometres limit" of the pricing plan that you select. If you clock more kilometres than the total kilometres limit of your booking, the additional kms attract "extra kms charges", which vary by the car model and the city.

Fuel reimbursement

For "with fuel" pricing: If you need to refuel during your journey, we will reimburse the cost. Just show the fuel bills to our delivery executive at the time of returning the car, and allow him to take a photograph of them. Please do NOT hand-over the original bill to the delivery executive, we will not be responsible for loss of bills handed over to the delivery executive. Please note that:

  • Fuel bills need to be shown to our delivery executive at the time of return, we will NOT be able to reimburse fuel bills shared with us later.
  • The fuel expense needs to reconcile reasonably with the distance travelled.
  • The fuel expense needs to reconcile reasonably with the standard fuel efficiency of the car. For the purpose of this reconciliation and for the benefit of the user, we assume a lower mileage than what is defined by ARAI (Automotive Research Association of India).
  • The date on the fuel bill should fall within the booking period.
  • Hand-written fuel bills will be considered invalid.

Cancellations & Modifications before starting the trip

Our flexible modification policy allows you to make modifications depending upon the time remaining before the start of your trip:

Changing the start/end time of the trip
More than 24 hours before start time Rs. 500 Cancellation charge. Rest of the amount will be refunded to you
Between 24 and 3 hours before start time You will be charged 50% of the base fare paid. From a minimum of Rs. 500 to a maximum of Rs. 3500. Rest of the amount will be refunded to you
Within 3 hours of start time You will be charged 100% of the base fare paid. From a minimum of Rs. 500 to a maximum of Rs. 5000, and also the doorstep delivery charges.

Cancelling the trip
More than 24 hours before start time
  • Postponing start time or Preponing end time (Shortening): No charges, full refund applied
  • Preponing start time or Postponing end time (Extension): Rs. 500 plus revised fare for the extended hours
Between 24 and 3 hours before start time
  • Postponing start time or Preponing end time (Shortening): 50% of charges for reduced hours are charged, upto a max of Rs. 3500
  • Preponing start time or Postponing end time (Extension): Rs. 500 plus revised fare for the extended hours
Within 3 hours of start time
  • Postponing start time or Preponing end time (Shortening): 100% of fare amount of the reduced hours, up to a max. of Rs 5,000/-
  • Preponing start time or Postponing end time (Extension): Rs. 500 plus revised fare for the extended hours

Car model change
24 hrs before trip start time Just pay the difference in fare plus Rs. 500/- modification fee
From 24 hrs to 3 hrs before trip start time Just pay the difference in fare plus Rs. 500/- modification fee

Location change
24 hrs before trip start time Both delivery and pickup location change allowed free of charge
From 24 hrs to 3 hrs before trip start time Both delivery and pickup location change allowed free of charge

  • In cases of multiple modifications, or multiple modifications followed by cancellation, the maximum limit of Rs 5000 will be applied INDIVIDUALLY to the modification/cancellation charge for every modification or cancellation step. This means that the total modification/cancellation charges can become more than Rs 5000, if you modify your booking multiple times.
  • The total kilometres limit will get modified according to the duration of the booking. For example, if your original booking is of 40 hours duration and is on the 10 kms/hr pricing plan, it has a kilometres limit of 400 kms (= 40 x 10). If you modify this booking's duration to 25 hours, the modified booking will have a kilometres limit of 250 kms (= 25 x 10)
  • Modifying the pricing plan (i.e., the number of kms per hour in the kilometres limit):
    • Pricing plan CANNOT be modified after making the booking
    • Unlimited kms pricing plan is available only on bookings whose duration is greater than 72 hours. In case your booking is on this pricing plan, and if you modify the booking to a new duration which is less than 72 hours, the pricing plan will change automatically to highest plan available (that is, the plan with the maximum number of kms per hour), and extra kms charges will be applicable if you exceed the kilometres limit
  • All modifications are subject to availability
  • Car or Location changes are not allowed within 3 hours of trip start time or after.

Modifications after starting the trip

Our trip extension policies are subject to availability and charges are depending upon the time remaining before the end of your trip. You can postpone your trip End Time in order to extend your booking:

Before 3 hours of end time We levy a surcharge of 20% on the fare for the increased hours, over the fare for the extended hours. Min charge Rs. 500
However, these changes are subject to the availability of the vehicle. In case the vehicle is not available and you still go ahead with the extension, a penalty of Rs 300/hr will be charged (minimum penalty: Rs 500, maximum penalty: Rs 2,500)
Within 3 hours of end time If car is available: Revised fare for the extended hours plus 20% surcharged on revised fare plus a penalty Rs. 500/-
If car is NOT available, and you do not return the car in time:
Revised fare for the extended hours plus 20% surcharged on revised fare plus a penalty of Rs. 300/hr (min. of Rs. 500/-, max of Rs. 2,500/-)

  • For any shortening after starting the trip, no charges are refunded.
  • All extensions, except the forced extensions defined above, will accrue additional kilometres limit based on the extended duration and the pricing plan

Limited liability

In the event of damages, your liability is limited to a maximum of Rs 10000. You will need to pay Damage Fee equivalent to the repair cost (as estimated by an authorized dealership) and downtime losses, upto a maximum of Rs 10000. This is independent of the nature and terms of the insurance cover that AIM Cars has on the cars.
Please note that the maximum liability policy is intended to benefit and protect the responsible user. In situations of irresponsible or unsafe or negligent usage, there could be discretionary exceptions to this policy, whereby the user could be liable for all damages irrespective of whether or not AIM Cars is able to claim insurance in such cases. Examples of such situation include, but are not limited to:

  • When the User is not in compliance with the laws and/or with terms of the AIM Cars User Agreement
  • When the User is found to be under the influence of alcohol/narcotics while driving
  • When the User is over-speeding (i.e. above prescribed speed limit of road or 125 Kms/Hr, whichever is lower)
  • When the User is in violation of traffic rules or of the Motor Vehicles Act (for example, if the User has not paid the inter-state tax while crossing a state border)
  • When the person driving the vehicle at the time of the incident is found to be different than the one who made the booking
  • When the vehicle workshop and/or insurance company deem the damage to be consequential in nature (this will be clearly stated in the accident report). Consequential damage occurs when the User continues driving the vehicle even when it is performing abnormally
  • When the number of people in the car at the time of the incident exceed the standard seating capacity of the car
  • When the incident happened in a state for which the user had failed to pay the inter-state tax while entering the state
  • When there is misrepresentation of information in the driving license and ID proof details shared by the user
  • Where there is clear evidence of extremely rash and negligent driving on the user's part

In cases where the estimated damage charges exceed the security deposit, we will request the user to pay the same at the time of returning the car. In cases of non-payment, AIM Cars reserves the right of legal action, reporting to credit bureau and reporting to other authorities or persons, irrespective of their direct relevance to the case.
In cases of accident, fare for the unused hours will not be refunded.
AIM Cars typically avoids charging for very minor damages (e.g., minor scratches and dents), and covers the vast majority of damage incidents under the maximum liability policy.
Please note: If the user notices any pre-existing issue with the car, which was observed after the car delivery, the user needs to report it within the first 40 Kms or the first 2 hours of car delivery. Any issues reported later will be deemed as having arisen during the user’s trip, and relevant damage charges will be charged to the user.
In cases of collision or User failure, towing and impounding charges will be paid by the User. In cases of vehicle failure, towing and impounding charges will be paid by us.


To deliver a smooth and pleasant experience to all our Users, we need them to follow some basic norms.
These are simple and easy to follow. Breach of these norms can attract the following penalties:

Driving license & identity proof (Aadhaar card or Passport) not shown at the time of car delivery The booking will be treated as cancelled. 100% of base fare, plus the doorstep delivery and pickup charges, as applicable, will be charged. Driving license printed on A4 sheet of paper (original or otherwise) will not be considered as a valid document.
Delay in taking the car delivery from delivery executive No fee for the first 15 mins of delay (counted from scheduled booking start time). After that, Rs. 50 for every 15 mins of delay
Traffic/Parking violations No fee for the first 15 mins of delay (counted from scheduled booking start time). After that, Rs. 50 for every 15 mins of delay
Traffic/Parking violations Full payment of fines/late fees, including cases where we receive notification from relevant authorities after the end of booking. Plus Rs. 500 for every 30 days delay in payment
Over-speeding (above 125 Kms/Hr) Rs. 750 for the first incident. Rs. 2000 for repeated infraction after warning. Upon repeated over-speeding, we will be compelled to withdraw services from the User
Loss/non-return of key Rs. 300, plus replacement cost if the key is not returned within 3 days
Smoking Rs. 1000, plus applicable damage costs related to interiors
Cleaning required (interiors) Minor cleaning - Rs. 500. Major cleaning - Rs. 1000.
Vehicle returned to wrong location (i.e., different from the one specified at the time of booking/modification) Rs. 500 + base fare and late penalty for the additional hours till the vehicle is returned.
Not fuelling (returning the car at a lower fuel level than what was received) Rs 500 refuelling service charge + actual fuel cost to get the tank to the same level as what was received.