Going Oustation- Reimbusable Charges

The privacy policy governs the collection, usage and sharing of private information provided by the user to AIM Cars. User privacy is a top priority for AIM Cars and all efforts will be made to prevent unauthorised use of any private information divulged to AIM Cars. AIM Cars collects information from its users for the delivery and improvement of services and for the purpose of user safety. A user must be in agreement with the terms and conditions of this privacy policy in order to avail AIM Cars services. The user is free to suspend or terminate the services of AIM Cars by revoking his consent to the privacy policy or by deleting his account.

Reimbursable Charges

To make your journey hassle-free, AIM Cars offers a complete re-imbursement for visitor permits issued by a few select states. The charges incurred shall be remitted to you.

Submit the permit when dropping the car

Make sure you hand over the visitor’s permit to our executive when you return the car to our executive. If the permit is issued by a state for which we offer a reimbursement, the amount will be remitted along with the security deposit to your account.

States for which AIMcars offers reimbursement

AIMcars offers reimbursement for the charges for visitor’s permit for the states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Telangana. Permit reimbursement will be applicable only in the following cases -

Other States

Visitor’s permit for other states are available on daily, weekly or monthly basis. The cost of these permits will not be reimbursed by us.